Dr Twinkle Kanodia

Limb Difference

What is limb difference or limb loss?

Limb difference is the name given when part of a limb or the entire limb of the fetus fails to form completely during pregnancy

This condition happens in around 7 in every 10,000 births with upper limb being affected more than lower limbs.

What causes limb loss?

The commonest cause is amniotic band syndrome: when the amnion, the name of the sac that the fetus grows inside, ruptures or tears during fetal development. It might tear in a number of situations: including maternal infections, certains drugs such as thalidomide, high temperatures, exposure to high sugar levels such as uncontrolled diabetes; or trauma. Less common causes include genetic causes and vascular causes.

The limb loss multidisciplinary team consists of a rehabilitation doctor, occupational therapists, podiatrists, counsellors, physiotherapists and prosthetists who will help the person affected by limb difference reach their maximal potential

The team are keen to meet the parents before birth to offer support, give information about their services, and offer peer support from other parents with a child affected by limb difference.

We're here to help

Our group specializes in the assessment, counseling and management of patients with high-risk pregnancies in Nepal.

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